

Turkey’s Sapanca (in Turkish: Sapanca) is distinguished by its very beautiful nature and its wonderful location, as it is located in Sakarya, within the Turkish Marmara region, on the Asian side of Istanbul, about 15 km from Izmit, and it is one of the most beautiful places of tourism in Turkey

Sapanca tourist area:

1- Sapanca Lake

The main destination for tourism pioneers in Sapanca, Turkey, it is one of the largest natural lakes in Turkey and is located among a group of green forests and is an ideal place for those looking for relaxation, tranquility and charming natural places.

2- Al-Mashouqia village

Masukiye is one of the most beautiful tourist places in Sapanca, Turkey, located in the north of Sapanca Lake, 20 km away. Where the beauty of rural nature meets the sound of the sound of water flowing from the heights of the mountains, and the fresh air, and you feel as if you are a guest with nature, as there are 25 waterfalls, including large and small ones.

3- Mount Kartepe

It is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Sapanca, with a height of 1650 meters, and it overlooks Lake Sapanca in an impressive way. Its distinctive feature is that it receives tourists and visitors in summer and winter, with an open cable car that extends from the bottom of the mountain to the top.

4- Naturkoy Village

It enjoys a nature that is not similar to any other place, the mountains on the one hand and the beauty of nature on the other hand, which makes the place at the top of magnificence, especially in spring and summer.

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Village of Naturkoy Sapanca
Izmit Tour
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