Grand Mosque Bursa

The Grand Mosque of Bursa (in Turkish: Ulu Camii) is one of the most magnificent masterpieces of the Ottoman era remaining in the city of Bursa. It is located in the heart of the city near its vital centers. It is the first great mosque built by the Ottomans.

Basilica Cistern

The Basilica Cistern has been providing Istanbul residents with water since the sixth century when it was ordered built by the Roman Emperor Justinian I. A visit leaves travelers raving about the technology the ancient Romans used to build this architectural wonder that was very advanced for its day.

Blue Mosque

The Blue Mosque in Istanbul, also known by its official name, the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, is an Ottoman-era historical imperial mosque located in Istanbul, Turkey. A functioning mosque, it also attracts large numbers of tourist visitors. It was constructed between 1609 and 1616 during the rule of Ahmed I.




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